The 2015 F-150 is a very capable truck and has a phenomenal towing capacity, if you have the right equipment and options. I put together this article to break down the towng capacity of the 2015 Ford F-150s to make the data easier to read and understand and explain some of the "variables" that affect the capacity numbers.
I hope this article helps some of you out there that may find the charts confusing or overwhelming to look through. Thanks for stopping by!
I have included all of the trailer weight limits for the 2015 F-150, according to the charts, but you should refer to your owner's manual in order to familiarize yourself on all of the information Ford recommends.
2015 F-150 Tow Specs (Overview)
Overall Tow Capacity:
The towing capacity for the 2015 F-150's ranged from 4,900-12,200 lbs. for all models made. This includes all engine options, axle ratios, etc. and includes conventional and 5th wheel specs.
3.5L (V6): Looking at the 2015 models that had the standard 3.5l engine equipped, we can see that most of the ratings were on the lower end of the spectrum, ranging in weight from 4,900-7,600 pounds.

2.7L (V6): If we look at the 2.7l engine, we can see that it had a higher overall capacity range of 7,300-8,500 pounds, compared to the 3.5l engine, even though it is a smaller displacement engine.

5.0L (V8): The 5.0l engines that powered some of the 2015 model year F-150s had much higher ratings than the 3.5l and 2.7l engines. The capacity range for models equipped with the 5.0l engine was between 8,200-11,000 pounds, a much higher overall range for sure.

3.5L (V6) EcoBoost: If you had the 3.5l EcoBoost engine equipped in your 2015 F-150, then you would have had been looking at the highest specs on the tables, if you had it paired with either a Heavy Duty Payload Package or a Max Trailer Package.
The maximum trailer weight capacity range for the 2015 F-150's that had the 3.5l EcoBoost engine equipped ranged from 9,900-12,200 pounds.

Tow specs for conventional hitches ranged from 5,000-12,200 lbs.
5th Wheel:
Tow specs for 5th wheel hitches ranged from 4,900-12,100 lbs.
The GCWR figures for all models ranged from 9,400-17,100 lbs.
Assumed Weight: The assumed weight for the ratings is important and for 2015, Ford assumes the weight of only the driver (150 lbs.) and the standard tongue weights and options (standard or optional) only. Any additional weight of passengers, cargo or accessories must be deducted from the maximum trailer weight ratings.

Conventional Towing Charts

2015 Ford F 150 Conventional Tow Chart

2015 Ford F 150 Conventional Tow Chart 2
5th Wheel And Gooseneck Tow Charts

2015 Ford F 150 5th Wheel Tow Chart

2015 Ford F 150 5th Wheel Tow Chart 2
How To Read The 2016 Charts...
The 2015 charts for the F-150's had a lot of information in them with many columns and rows and I bet it can be quite overwhelming for some of you out there, so I thought I would break down how to read them and what information you will find in them.
Note: The charts I used for the example may not be accurate for the 2015 F150s so don't use the figures in these charts. The charts shown above are the correct charts for the 2015 specs.
Cab Configurations: There are three main columns that all of the numbers are divided into and these are the cab configuration or cab style your truck utilizes. There were slight differences in specs when comparing models, so be sure you are looking in the correct column for your data.
I have more information below on what cab configurations look like (images) and what they are called, so you know exactly what you have on your truck.

2015 Ford F-150 Cab Configuration Reference
4WD vs 2WD: Under each cab configuration for the 2015 charts, you will see two columns for 2WD (4x2) vehicles and 4WD (4x4) vehicles. The image below illustrates this and you can clearly see the 2WD and 4WD models listed under the "REGULAR CAB" main column.

2015 F150 4WD and 2WD Columns
Engine Equipped: One of the most important things to consider when looking up your maximum trailer weight capacity for your 2015 F-150 is what engine you have equipped. The image below shows sections for two different engine options in the example chart. The top row shows specs for the 3.5l engine and the row below that shows specs for the 2.7l engine.

2015 Ford F150 Engine Choices
Axle Ratio: Axle ratios are another key ingredient you need to know to get an accurate figure for your 2015 F-150. These are listed within the engine rows, just to the right of the engine spec and is shown in the image below with the two boxes. I go more into how to find your axle ratio below...

2015 Ford F150 Axle Ratios
Towing Options (Standard & Optional):
I found this chart in the 2015 Towing Guide that Ford makes and it lists the equipment and tow packages that came equipped or were offered for the 2015 F-150s.
The chart includes all models that came with packages or had additional packages you could purchase but I outlined the F-150's specs in red so you could better distinguish those specs from the others.

2015 F150 Tow Equipment
Axle Ratios For The 2015 F-150's:
Like I mentioned earlier, you will need to figure out what axle ratio your 2015 model has in order to get an accurate capacity number. If you open your door on the driver's side, you will see a label on the door jamb that looks like the image below.
At the bottom of this label, you will see an area labeled "AXLE" and below that a code of some sort with numbers , letters or a combination of both.

Example Of Ford Axle Code
Once you have that "code" you will want to decode it to figure out what axle ratio came equipped with your truck. I like to use this site to look up axle ratio codes myself, as it is comprehensive and accurate.
I also wanted to note that you can also climb under your truck and look at the rear differential for a tag that will have the axle ratio displayed.
Cab Configurations:
I mentioned earlier in this article that your cab style or cab configuration for your 2015 F-150 will have an impact on your tow ratings and you will need to know what style you have.
The image below shows many different manufacturer's cab configurations and Ford is listed in the third row.

Truck Cab Configurations/Styles (
Important Safety Notes:
The towing guide has all of the tow specs listed but the owner's manual has additional information and I recommend reading through it for important notes like the ones I found and posted screenshots of below.

2015 F150 Weight Ratings

2015 F150 Higher Altitude Weight Warning
Helpful Links:
Here are the links to the 2015 Ford F-150's owner's manual and to Ford's towing guide for 2015, both of which have charts with the maximum trailer weights listed. The owner's manual has even more tow related information though that you will want to check out.
Last updated on April 27th, 2022 at 06:42 pm